


why optimise

Matthew James

Consultant Surgeon

Our mission

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NSIDE is innovating the way corporate offices reinvent themselves for the remote workforce.

Jessica Point, ceo
sleep 01
Sleep is a key factor in repair and regeneration of the mind and body.
movement 02
Exercise and daily stretching are essential to assist in recovery and maintain results following surgery.
nutrition 03
Optimal nutition will speed wound healing and reduce risks of complications
mindfulness 04
Managing stress levels and focusing on the benefits of surgery, will improve out comes following surgery
hormesis 05
Using beneficial temporary stressors is good for the body and promotes more rapid healing. Eg Cryotherapy and K-Laser therapy.
habits 06
Good daily habits are powerful tools to promote health and well being.

Aenean luctus ex eget risus vulputate, vestibulum sollicitudin diam rhoncus. Morbi at iaculis metus. Morbi congue orci in justo auctor commodo.

Donec finibus purus eget viverra euismod. Nunc tristique iaculis lorem, ac molestie magna semper sit amet. Quisque dui erat, pellentesque ut libero ut, egestas consequat nulla. Cras aliquam, lacus ut cursus accumsan, nulla risus malesuada leo, vulputate malesuada eros sem sodales magna. Maecenas ultricies, massa eget hendrerit sagittis, justo nisl aliquam odio, id commodo libero elit a nibh. Suspendisse erat eros, pulvinar eu arcu.
Donec finibus purus eget viverra euismod. Nunc tristique iaculis lorem, ac molestie magna semper sit amet. Quisque dui erat, pellentesque ut libero ut, egestas consequat nulla. Cras aliquam, lacus ut cursus accumsan, nulla risus malesuada leo, vulputate malesuada eros sem sodales magna. Maecenas ultricies, massa eget hendrerit sagittis, justo nisl aliquam odio, id commodo libero elit a nibh. Suspendisse erat eros, pulvinar eu arcu.


Deeper analysis of the importance of sleep and the different types to aid recovery, repair and cognitive ability.

Sleep is a fundamental pillar of excellent health – so you can feel, think and perform at your best. It is needed to aid recovery, repair and cognitive ability and without it, or with extended poor quality, you will see your physical, mental and emotional health deteriorate very quickly. The most significant factor in the brain and central nervous system functioning at an optimum level is that it is well rested. Your focus and motivation will be impaired with poor quality sleep and you will struggle to think clearly and process information.

During sleep we release growth hormones to maintain, build and
repair tissue in our brains, muscles and other organs. Lack of sleep can compromise your immune system and as well as throw your levels of homeostatis (required to support life) off balance. This can lead to symptoms of chronic stress, depression, anxiety as well as lead to illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s and cardiovascular disease.

Poor quality sleep can also increase feelings of hunger and sugar craving, causing an imbalance in the hormones leptin and ghrelin, making you feel unsatiated and desiring high calorie and sugary food.


The importance of daily exercise preferably outside - boosting mood and self-esteem; decreasing feelings of depression, anxiety and stress.

Exercise is defined as a series of movements that enhance or sustain physical fitness and overall health and wellbeing. As well as making you physically stronger and fitter it is proven to boost your mood and self-esteem, decreasing feelings of depression, anxiety and stress.

There are many positive physical and mental health benefits that come with regular exercise including helping you live a longer, active and more fulfilling life. It makes your brain more sensitive to serotonin and increases the production of
endorphins, which are known to help produce positive feelings and reduce the perception of pain.

Practicing regular physical activity combining strength, endurance, balance and flexibility is essential to reducing muscle loss and maintaining strength and bone density as you age. Regular exercise is proven to delay or prevent type 2 diabetes, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as many types of cancer - whilst a lack of exercise is a primary cause of many chronic illnesses.


Focus on the link between the gut misrobiome and vagus nerve and the connection between gut health and mental wellbeing and tissue repair.

Eating and drinking well is a fundamental pillar of good health and will fuel your physical and mental performanceThe key is a balanced and varied diet of fresh, fermented and real food, avoiding anything ultra-processed.Scientific evidence now supports the link between gut health and mental wellbeing with the gut biome directly connected to the vagus nerve. Most of your immune system is in your gut, 
helping you fight infections and inflammation. Your gut microbes will digest and break down food releasing vitamins and protect you from other harmful bacteria.You can boost your gut biome by eating plenty of fresh vegetables, probiotics and foods rich in fibre and polyphenols. A poor diet of ultra processed and sugary foods can lead to a range of conditions from obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, degenerative brain diseases and some cancers.


Tips, tools and technology to help develop fullawareness of how you are actually performing and feeling. How not be overrun bythe thoughts whirling around your mind.

Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgement. It is scientifically proven to be a key pillar in stress reduction, avoiding anxiety and building overall happiness and wellbeing.Being mindful can help you create heightened state of sensory and self-awareness - how you are actually performing and feeling. It conditions you to be more adaptive and responsive to your
environment as well as more aware of the stream of thoughts and feelings you experience.A mindful practice can help you build and sustain good habits as well understand your energy levels so you can react to their peaks and troughs – aligning difficult tasks with peak energy. You will become more engaged and present in your daily activities and will have greater capacity to deal with adverse events.


How bursts of good stress are beneficial to us –from cold, heat, fasting and even hypoxia How these help strengthen our immune systems and help us repair.

Hormesis is how short bursts of stress – exposure to elements that can be toxic or harmful at higher doses can be beneficial to your overall health and wellbeing.  Hormesis can trigger a variety of cellular processes that help you build stress resilience, repair damaged cells and DNA, produce new mitochondria and eliminate toxins.
Hormesis is an underlying factor in many of the health benefits associated with intermittent fasting, cold and heat exposure, high-intensity interval training and even hypoxia. It is a key pillar in achieving optimal health and wellbeing, pushing your body outside of its comfort zone and helping you adapt to psychological stressors like depression and anxiety.


Build habits to incorporate all 5 pillars into your dailyroutine.

The surefire way to incorporate all of the five, interconnected pillars of health into your daily routine is to make a habit of them. A habit is a small decision you make and actions you perform every day – without having to think too much about it.
Research has shown habits can account for 40% of our behaviours on any given day.There are tips and tools for making something a habit – including starting small and making it as easy as possible to accomplish.

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